Fellowship & Formation
Fellowship is an important part of life at St. Anne’s. Our faith brings us together to worship, but worship isn’t the only time we get together. We gather for coffee and snacks after Sunday morning services, and we have special events throughout the year as well as regular small groups. You’re welcome to participate in any of these groups.
Adult Forum
We offer an Adult Forum at 9 am on most Sundays from September to May, at the same time as our children’s formation. Recent topics have included the relationships between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; the Holy Eucharist; domestic violence services and prevention; prison mentoring; and our annual Advent Moth storytelling hour.
Men’s Discussion Group
The Men’s Discussion Group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 8:30 am in the Parish Library to share coffee, study the upcoming week’s lectionary readings, and pray.
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Retreat 10.24
The Women’s Bible Study meets on Thursdays from 10 - 11:30 am to check in with one another, study the upcoming Sunday’s gospel, and pray.